Saturday, December 6, 2008

iMovie Presentations

Last Monday, we watched iMovie projects that our classmates have been working hard on for weeks. I loved this idea, because, although I couldn't read every book, it let me experience what all the books were about. I learned a good deal about each book by seeing these presentations. In fact, some of the movies made me want to read the book they were about. I thought that every group did a great job.

One thing I enjoyed particularly about the iMovie presentation night was that others got a chance to see the movie I worked on. I do not want to sound conceited, but it was very rewarding when people commented that it was well-made, presented good ideas, and was fun. I think that all people like to have recognition of their work, and I think that including projects and activities in the classroom that give that work the opportunity to be recognized are beneficial. When I am an educator, I will incorporate ways for students to not only get involved with one another and work on projects like this, but to recieve feedback from their fellow students.

Also, for your viewing pleasure, I have put my group's youtube video on my sidebar.

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